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The core staff of the LTA-NGO comprise highly specialized team of experts who are committed to ensure the continuity and sustainability of the USAID-LTA activities in Tanzania with respect to land tenure issues. The team has a key strength in implementing systematic village land adjudication and registration using the Mobile Application for Secure Tenure (MAST) technology and process.

Our Mission

Our mission is to facilitate effective management of land resources in Tanzania, through the implementation of sustainable, participatory, and cost-effective land use planning and land registration processes that respect the rights of women, youth and pastoralists. 

Our Vision

Our vision is to assist communities to improve their livelihoods by accessing economic opportunities through secure and documented land tenure.

Our Partners


Implemented systematic village land registration in 61 villages in Iringa and Mbeya Regions

Trained 1,220 parasurveyors and adjudicators

Strengthened the capacity of local land governance institutions in 108 villages

Customized and introduced the Mobile Application for Secure Tenure (MAST) to Government of Tanzania land institutions