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Among the main achievements of our core staff’s achievements under the USAID-LTA project include:

·         Customized and introduced the Mobile Application for Secure Tenure (MAST) to Government of Tanzania land institutions.

·         Implemented systematic village land registration in 65 villages in Iringa and Mbeya Regions.

·         Assisted to adjudicate and demarcate over 100,000 land parcels and subsequently printed, registered and issued over 99,000 Certificates of Customary Right of Occupancy (CCRO) to for 56,988 beneficiaries residing in 65 villages located in Iringa, Mbeya, Mbarali and Kilolo districts.

·         Trained over 1,220 parasurveyors and adjudicators.

·         Strengthened the capacity of local land governance institutions in 108 villages.

·         Strengthened the capacity of district land governance institutions in Iringa and Mbeya districts.

·         LTA has introduced and tested the beneficiary contribution model in 70 villages in the Mbeya, Mbarali, Iringa and Kilolo districts.

·         LTA also developed Technical Register Under Secure Tenure (TRUST) to provide a district and village based system for managing post-first-registration transactions and maintaining the registers using simple and an open source technology

·         LTA has facilitated the Ministry team to identify the transactional gaps in the Village Land Act Cap 114 and come up with regulations and guidelines to guide land practitioners in the country, especially Land Officers to work for CCRO post transactions